Monday, October 26, 2015

Lee Min Ho Benchsetter Fun Meet

This is not Anime related but I'm still putting it under this label just because I don't know where else to put it... <peace>

"Bench" a local clothing line from the Philippines had started its venture overseas. As part of their promotion, they have been employing known artist as their advertisers. From the cast of The Vampire Diaries to Korean artist. 

One of their models was the Korean Actor Lee Min Ho. Being the Korean obsessed fan that we are, we didn't want to miss this opportunity. The invites were only being given to those who purchase a certain amount of Bench Products. 

Around the month of the event, I was so busy with work that I can't think of ways on how I can secure those Invites. Luckily, my sister was able to go mall hopping after her class from the university. My other friends (HS friends) were able to secure invites in the Lower box area of the coliseum. We wanted to join them but all we could find were VIP invites. Finally, after 4 mall and 30 mins of shopping spree on Bench Trinoma branch, my sister was able to secure 3 lower box invite. 

4 mall - my sister inquired at the register first if they still have 3 lower box invites available
30 mins - because my sister arrived in the mall 30 mins before closing time 
3 invites - because we needed an extra ticket for our older cousin who is also our chaperone 

Groupfie with the crew.. (my sister was the one who took this picture) ^_^

A thousand of screaming fans, a few hours of kilig moments and a ton of pictures later, we went home with a smile on our face and an event that we will always remember. Hey! who wouldn't want to see Lee Min Ho in person? Even if it's a thousand meters away. I thank whoever it was that invented the zoom feature of the camera! =p 

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